Collection Overview
Letters, photographs, printed matter relating to the Chicano movement in Colorado and elsewhere.
Scope and Contents of the Materials
This collection consists of letters, photographs and printed matter relating to the Chicano movement at Colorado State University-Pueblo, in Colorado and elswhere.
Subject/Index Terms
Box and Folder Listing
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[Box 1],
- Box 1

- Folder 1: Photographs: El Congresso Estudiantil, Chicano de Aztlan May 5, 1974, CUFA SCSC, 5 pics, 2 neg strips, 05/05/74

- Folder 2: Memorandum: Members of admissions committee University of Denver, College of Law May 23, 1979, 05/23/79

- Folder 3: Letter: Pauline Spinuzzi: Hiring Practices of SCSC : May 12, 1975, 05/12/75

- Folder 4: Letter: Harry Bowes: Response Letter: May 13, 1975, 05/13/75

- Folder 5: Letter: Wiliam Binkley; Status of Chicano Students: May 23, 1975, 05/23/75

- Folder 6: Newsletter: Education Es Liberacion: CUFA: SCSC: May 23, 1975, 05/23/75

- Folder 7: Newsletter: Education Es Liberacion: CUFA: SCSC: Nov 20, 1975, 11/20/75

- Folder 8: Brochure: Education Es Liberation: Congreso Estudiantil: Mar 25, 26, 27, 1976, 03/25-27/76

- Folder 9: Resolution: Concerns of Chicanos in Faculty Positions: Mar 74, 03/74

- Folder 10: CUFA: Expenditure Report 74-75, 1974/75

- Folder 11: Newsletter: El Mirlo Canta De Noticatian Dec 74, 12/74

- Folder 12: Bulletin: Latin Amercian Studies Dec 75, 12/75

- Folder 13: Report: El Barrio 1972, 1972

- Folder 14: Paper: Models for Action in Higher Education July 28, 1976, 07/28/1976

- Folder 15: News Article: Are We Racisit? Are We Sexist? 1976, 1976

- Folder 16: News Article: About People Joaquin LeFebre: 1978, 1978

- Folder 17: News Article: Nuestro Heritage Beating the Odds Jul 78, 07/78

- Folder 18: New Latin Artist: Carlos Cumpian Mar 78, 03/78

- Folder 19: Brochure: Congresso Del Pueblo University of Illinios Nov 18-20, 1976, 12/18-20/76

- Folder 20: Agenda: Congresso Del Pueblo Purpose/Issues Nov 76, 11/76

- Folder 21: Resolution: Congresso Del Pueblo University of Illinios Workshop Nov 20, 1976, 11/20/76

- Folder 22: Publication: Abrazo Chicano Art Fall 76, 1976

- Folder 23: Publication: Mexposicion 2 Nov 8, 1976, 11/08/76

- Folder 24: Publication: Notre Dame Chicano 1976, 1976

- Folder 25: Publication: A Thermos Bottle of Self Pitty 1977, 1977

- Folder 26: News Paper: El Cuhamil Oct 20, 1977, 10/20/77

- Folder 27: News Release: The White House on Immigration Aug 4, 1977, 08/04/77

- Folder 28: News Letter: El Immigrante Legal Service Mar 77, 03/77

- Folder 29: Publication: The National Council of La Raza Jul 78, 07/78

- Folder 30: News Paper: La Gente Los Angeles April 78, 04/78

- Folder 31: Publication: La Acedemia De La Nueva Raza Su Historia Thomas Atencio

- Folder 32: Publication: Mining & Processing El Oro Del Barrio: Spring '75, 1975

- Folder 33: Publication: Myth & Reality- The Myth of Aztlon by E. A. Mares

- Folder 34: Publication: La Academia De La Nueva Raza- Sus Obras by Thomas Atencio

- Folder 35: Publication: La Acedemia De La Nueva Raza El Oro Del Barrio by Thomas Atencio

- Folder 36: Magazine: Caracol Poesia Nov 78, 11/78

- Folder 37: Magazine: Un Nuevo Dia Chicano Education Project School Finance

- Folder 38: Brochure: IMAGE: Government Employment Sept 79, 09/79

- Folder 39: Publication: Image De Chicago Sept 78, 09/78

- Folder 40: Article: Image Position Paper on Government Employment

- Folder 41: Remarks: Eleanor Holmes Norton Chair EEOC June 8, 1978, 06/08/78

- Folder 42: Brochure: National Chicano Student Conference Mecha Metro State College 4/5-8/79, 04/05-08/79

- Folder 43: Brochure: Mexican American Law Student Association Aug 82, 08/82

- Folder 44: Report: Law Admissions Tests are Culturally Biased Against Hispanics Dec 78, 12/78

- Folder 45: Letter: Invitation to Jose Morales So tello Symposium Sept 23, 1982, 09/23/82

- Folder 46: Publication: 25 Laxatives of Abelardo Pelgada Poetry 1981, 1981

- Folder 47: Flyer: MALDEF Nov 82, 11/82

- Folder 48: News Article: Rocky Mountain News : Study Shows Hispanic Americans Least Privilaged Feb 22, 1979, 02/22/79

- Folder 49: Magazine: Cucaracha Oct 23, 1982, 10/23/82

- Folder 50: Paper: Hispanic American History & Personal Achievments Aug 83, 08/83

- Folder 51: Flyer/Paper: David Vigil for D-70 school board May 90, 05/90

- Folder 52: News Article: Pueblo Chieftan: Hispanic-ed group hires chief Mar 9, 1995, 03/09/95

- Folder 53: Web page: Antonio R. Villaraigosa 45th Assembly Speaker Dec 98, 12/98

- Folder 54: Article: Cesar Chavez Academy Fall 01, 2001

- Folder 55: Paper: MINDS Position Paper 1992, 1992

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[Box 1],