Elias Baca Sound Recordings, 1986-1996 | Colorado State University-Pueblo Library
Extent: 6.0 Items
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Detailed Description
Item 1: Songs: "Dark as a dungeon," "Old Black Joe,", no date
Item 2: Elias Baca, singing corridos in Spanish, unaccompanied: 1) untitled; 2) "Que viva la nacion", no date
Item 3: Interview, Elias Baca by Nancy Tanaguchi, Price, UT, November 11, 1986
Item 4: Interview, Elias Baca by David Stanley, Price UT, January 9, 1987
Item 5: Interviews, Eva Martinez (daughter of Elias Baca), July 29, 1996 and Frank Martinez (grandson of Elias Baca), August 19, 1996, and Philip Baca (adopted son), August 30, 1996; all interviewed by Sarah Rudd., 1996
Item 6: Duplicate of item 4, 1987
Item 1: Songs: "Dark as a dungeon," "Old Black Joe,", no date
Item 2: Elias Baca, singing corridos in Spanish, unaccompanied: 1) untitled; 2) "Que viva la nacion", no date
Item 3: Interview, Elias Baca by Nancy Tanaguchi, Price, UT, November 11, 1986
Item 4: Interview, Elias Baca by David Stanley, Price UT, January 9, 1987
Item 5: Interviews, Eva Martinez (daughter of Elias Baca), July 29, 1996 and Frank Martinez (grandson of Elias Baca), August 19, 1996, and Philip Baca (adopted son), August 30, 1996; all interviewed by Sarah Rudd., 1996
Item 6: Duplicate of item 4, 1987