By Reyes Martinez Lopez, Assistant Archivist, Beverly Allen, University Archivist, and Elisa Garner and Greg Gibson, student assistants
Collection Overview
Title: Mitchell Kaufman Papers, 1948-1997
Predominant Dates:1970-1997
Primary Creator: Mitchell Kaufman
Extent: 11.0 Boxes
The collection is organized into five series:
Series 1: Personal papers
Series 2: Subject files
Series 3: Publications
Series 4: Oversize materials
Series 5: Audiovisual materials
Series 6: Additions
Date Acquired: 00/00/2008. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Africa, Ramona, Aiyetoro, Adjoa A., Civil rights - United States, Corrections -- United States, Earth First! (Organization), Environmentalism -- United States, Ewing, Wayne, Florence (Colo.) -- History -- 20th century, Henderson, Jane, Hinds, Lennox S., Hispanic Americans -- Civil Rights -- Colorado, Human rights -- United States, Klanwatch Project, Martinez, Rita J., Mexican Americans -- Civil Rights - Colorado, MOVE (Organization), Prisons -- United States, Pueblo Coalition Against Prison Repression, Romero, Ricardo, Southern Poverty Law Center
Forms of Material: Audiovisual materials, Publications
Languages: English, Spanish;Castilian
The Mitchell Kaufman Papers consists of 11 boxes of personal papers, subject files, publications, oversize materials and 25 VHS videocassettes collected or produced by Mitchell Kaufman in support of civil rights work, primarily relating to prison reform.
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Mitchell Kaufman Papers consists of 11 boxes of personal papers, subject files, publications, oversize materials and 25 VHS videocassettes, either collected or produced by Mitchell Kaufman in support of civil rights activities. Personal papers include personal and business correspondence, essays, notes and other materials; subject files and publications series document Kaufman's interest in prison reform, fair trade and many other human rights and environmental issues; oversize materials include posters, memorabilia and clippings; and the audiovisual series includes original videotapes produced by Kaufman include interviews and commentary relating to the federal Supermax prison in Florence, CO; interviews with Ramona Africa, MOVE member and former political prison, Adjoa A. Aiyetoro, Rita Martinez, and Wayne Ewing; and one videotape documenting "Jazz in the Sangres" (Westcliffe, CO). The collection also includes clips from the news show "20/20" relating to conditions at the federal prison in Marion, IL, as well as videotapes produced by the Southern Poventy Lawn Center's Klanwatch Project, and Earth First! on the deforestation of the redwood forests.
Collection Historical Note
Born to first generation parents of Eastern European Jewish parents, Mitchell spent his formative years in Newark, N.J. During these years, Newark was going through a sociological succession, whereby, African-Americans from the South were replacing the mostly Jewish and Italian immigrants from a generation or two before. As Mitchell turned ten, his parents realized their American dream of owning their own house in the suburbs. But even at this young age, Mitchell understood, at some level, what white flight was. This left an indelible image on him. His lifelong struggle for the rights of the oppressed and discriminated against is best understood in this context.
In high school, Mitchell excelled in academics and political/philosophical debate. He was president of the National Honor Society, starred in the senior play, played football and wrestled.
It took him three universities and six years to graduate from college (Rutgers) with a degree in English. During the next several years, he spent one year at Seton Hall Law School and earned a teaching degree from a New Jersey teacher’s college. He was working as a social worker in Manhattan’s Lower East Side when his mental illness was first diagnosed. He carried the misdiagnosis of schizophrenia through most of his adult life, only to be correctly diagnosed as bipolar during the last five years of his life. This is critical because he was unable to stop his schizophrenia medication due to the side effect of the tardive dyskiensia, which results when these drugs are no longer taken after years of use. In 1974, after, his third breakdown, his childhood friend Lenny Tischler invited him to visit. Lenny and his family were living in Silver Cliff, Colorado. Mitchell was to spend the rest of his life there. .
Custer County was arguably the most conservative county in Colorado. At the same time, a growing number of latter-day “hippies” who were fleeing the cities arrived in Custer County. As one would expect, confrontations were not rare. Mitchell became something of a “jailhouse lawyer.” He was dependent upon the director of social services for his disability check. He, nevertheless, relentlessly fought the director when she denied claims to his friends that he felt were deserved. He had so many of her decisions overturned that by the end of his life, she would occasionally seek his opinion.
In 1984, Mitchell married Lisa A. Schwartz who had moved to Custer County from Indiana. They had two girls: Natalie (1984), and Kate (1990). At the time of this writing, Natalie is living in Boston working for a Massachusetts State Representative of the 14th Middlesex District, and Kate is a sophomore at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. She is a guide on the Arkansas River during the summers.
During the mid-1980s, as the Custer County old guard continued to pressure the counter-culture types to leave, Mitchell and his friend Lenny wondered “…Who could we bring here that would bother them (the old guard) more than us?” The answer was African-Americans. Out of this tongue-and-cheek joke came one of the seeds that helped found the “Jazz in the Sangres” festival, which took place every August for nearly twenty years.
When the government announced plans to build prisons in nearby Florence in the early 1990’s, Mitchell immediately became involved in the incipient anti-prison industrial complex movement. To Mitchell, prisons were another aspect of American racism. Prisoners were disproportionably Latino and African-American from urban settings.
Prisons like those in Florence were far from the cities, making it much harder for prisoners' lawyers, friends, and families to visit them. Next, he learned about “the supermax” – prisons where prisoners were kept in tiny cells (6’x8’) for 23.5 hours a day. Before Florence, there was only one other in the country. By any rational definition, this was torture. Amnesty International agreed. Mitchell was beyond outraged that anything like this could exist anywhere, but to have one in his own backyard was totally unacceptable.
His response was to build an exact replica of a supermax cell and have the cell put on a trailer. He drove the “cell” around the state and spoke about the new prison to anyone he could get to listen. When one of my friends who had heard his presentation realized that Mitchell was my brother, he told me: “…Mitchell Kaufman, it was like being in a room with Che Guevara!” The intensity of this work drove him into his final bout of mania. He ended up in the state mental hospital against his wishes. The irony was complete. His work for prisoners led to his being a prisoner of a different sort.
After recovering, he returned home to Silver Cliff where he spent the rest of his life doing what he did best, raising his daughters. He died at the age of 54 from a reaction to one of his prescription medications.
(Written by Joel Kaufman, brother of Mitchell Kaufman)
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Colorado State University-Pueblo Library
Additions, Lisa Kaufman, 2010
Access Restrictions:
There are no access restrictions on this collection
Use Restrictions:
Not all of the material in the collection is in the public domain. Researchers are responsible for addressing copyright issues.
Acquisition Source:
Kaufman family
Acquisition Method:
Related Materials:
Jose E. Ortega Papers, Garcia Family Papers, Rick F. Manzanares Papers, David Marquez Papers, Deborah Martinez Martinez Papers, Andres de Pineda Papers, David A. Sandoval Audiovisual Collection, United Mexican American Students Records, Juan Federico "Freddie Freak" Miguel Arguello Trujillo Chicano Movement Collection, George Autobee Papers
Preferred Citation:
Mitchell Kaufman Papers, Colorado State University-Pueblo Library, University Archives and Special Collections
Processing Information:
Assistant Archivist Reyes Martinez Lopez completed minimal processing of the initial donation in June 2009
Finding Aid Revision History:
Additions were processed by Elisa Garner and Greg Gibson and the inventory was revised in September 2013.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Personal papers, no date],
Series 2: Subject files, 1975-1997, no date],
Series 3: Publications],
Series 4: Oversize documents],
Series 5: Audiovisual materials],
Series 6: Additions],
- Series 1: Personal papers, no date

- This series includes personal and business correspondence, essays written by Kaufman, and notes for interviews, scripts, books and articles.
- Sub-Series 1: Personal papers

- Box 2

- Folder 25: Personal correspondence: Resource Center

- Folder 26: Personal correspondence: Article Submissions

- Folder 27: Personal correspondence: Research

- Folder 28: Business correspondence: Sanctuary

- Folder 29: Business correspondence: Resource Center

- Folder 30: Business correspondence: Religious Groups

- Folder 31: Business correspondence: The Nation

- Folder 32: Business correspondence: Publications Misc.

- Folder 33: Business correspondence: Production Comp. misc

- Folder 34: Business correspondence: Community Groups

- Folder 35: Business correspondence: Turning Tide Productions

- Folder 36: Business correspondence: Political

- Folder 37: Business correspondence: American Service Committee

- Folder 38: Business correspondence: Neighbor to Neighbor

- Sub-Series 2: Essays

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Secret Service Agent

- Folder 2: Drafts

- Folder 3: The ascendency of low intensity conflict

- Folder 4: 1984

- Sub-Series 3: Notes

- Box 2

- Folder 5: Interviews: Eric Etheridge

- Folder 6: Interviews: Robbie Leppzer

- Folder 7: Interviews: Agnes Ann Schun

- Folder 8: Interviews: Bernard Ohomian

- Folder 9: Interviews: Questions After Submission

- Folder 10: Interviews: Peter Shez

- Folder 11: Interviews: Aunt Pandza

- Folder 12: Interviews: Chicago Religious Task Force on Central America (CRTFCA)

- Folder 13: Interviews: Misc

- Folder 14: Interviews: Ed Long

- Folder 15: Interviews: John Osthanes

- Folder 16: Interviews: Bob Boyer; Congress intelligence

- Folder 17: Interviews: Franciso Rivera

- Folder 18: Interviews: El Rescate Salvador Sanabria

- Folder 19: Interviews: Joshua Kolton

- Folder 20: Script notes

- Folder 21: Location Notes

- Folder 22: Article Notes

- Folder 23: Book Notes

- Folder 24: Meeting Notes

- Sub-Series 4: Other

- Box 1

- Folder 20: Illegible documents

- Folder 21: Financial paperwork RESTRICTED

- Folder 22: Divorce and Custody, part 1 of 2 RESTRICTED

- Folder 23: Divorce and Custody, part 2 of 2 RESTRICTED

- Folder 24: Theater

- Folder 25: Organization for Black Struggle; American Indian Movement

- Box 3

- Folder 16: Personal papers, misc.

- Folder 17: Personal papers, misc.

- Series 2: Subject files, 1975-1997, no date

- This series includes subject files relating to fair trade, prison reform (especially the Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado), environmental, activist and other organizations and activities.
- Sub-Series 1: Fair Trade, 1975-1990, no date

- Box 6

- Folder 1: Clippings, 1975-1989

- Folder 2: Policy Reports, 1983-1984, 1987

- Folder 3: Policy Reports

- Folder 4: Policy Reports

- Folder 5: Information Mailings, 1983-1986; 1989-1990

- Folder 6: Information Mailings

- Folder 7: Manuscript: Justice of eating, 1986

- Folder 8: Manuscript: Justice of eating, 1986

- Folder 9: Correspondence, 1983-1985; 1989

- Folder 10: Correspondence, 1983-1985; 1989

- Folder 11: Personal notes

- Folder 12: Manuscript: Justice of eating, 1986

- Folder 13: Manuscript: Justice of eating, chapter 4, 1986

- Folder 14: Information mailings

- Folder 15: Information mailings, 1983-1984

- Folder 16: Information mailings, 1985-1986; 1989-1990

- Folder 17: Policy Reports

- Folder 18: Policy Reports

- Folder 19: Policy Reports, 1983-1984

- Folder 20: Clippings, 1975; 1983-1986; 1989

- Sub-Series 2: Prison reform

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Police Handouts

- Folder 2: Interview material

- Folder 3: Civil/Prisoners rights: various groups

- Folder 4: Can't Jail the Spirit, part 1 of 2

- Folder 5: Can't Jail the Spirit, part 2 of 2

- Folder 6: Pueblo Coalition against Prison Repression (PCAPR)

- Folder 7: Colorado Coalition to Abolish Control Unit Prisons

- Folder 8: Colorado Coalition to Abolish Control Unit Prisons

- Folder 9: Florence Colorado Federal Penitentiary

- Folder 10: INS Abuses, Ogala Lakota College

- Folder 11: Media clippings: local media about Florence Penitentiary

- Folder 12: Federal and Colorado state prisons (non Florence)

- Folder 13: Florence/Canon City: Historical Prison material

- Folder 14: Florence Penitentiary: Print Media:

- Folder 15: Pueblo Coalition Against Prison Repression: actions

- Folder 16: Florence Correctional Complex (ADMAX)

- Folder 17: Cell (ADX)/PCANT

- Folder 18: Marion/Control Unit Prison information

- Folder 19: Meeting and conference

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Arts, 1992-1993

- Folder 2: Gift of hope, 1992

- Folder 3: Cinco de Mayo Event

- Folder 4: Mobile ADMAX Replica Population

- Folder 5: Political Groups, no date

- Folder 6: Political Groups, 1993-1995

- Folder 7: Political Groups, 1992

- Folder 8: Political Groups, 1987-1991

- Folder 9: Florence Federal Penitentiary photographs, no date

- Folder 10: Florence Federal Penitentiary, 1983-1990

- Folder 11: Florence Federal Penitentiary, 1991-1993

- Folder 12: Florence Federal Penitentiary, 1994

- Folder 13: Can’t Jail the spirit/Walk in steel, 1991-1995

- Folder 14: American Indian Movement, 1989-1993

- Folder 15: Mumia Abu-Jamal, no date

- Sub-Series 3: General, 1975-1996, no date

- Box 7

- Folder 12: ACORN, 1975-1976

- Folder 13: Addresses, 1993

- Folder 14: American Indian Movement, 1992-1993

- Folder 15: Amnesty International, 1984-1987

- Folder 16: Financial papers RESTRICTED

- Folder 17: Anti-Columbus Day, 1992

- Folder 18: "Articles & the Paper", no date

- Folder 19: Boycotts, 1993

- Folder 20: Calendars, 1993, 1996

- Folder 21: Financial papers RESTRICTED

- Folder 22: Chicanos, 1990-1993

- Folder 23: Child Abuse, 1993

- Folder 24: Child Custody, 1992-1993

- Folder 25: Clippings, 1985-1986, 1991-1993

- Folder 26: Correspondence, 1976-1993

- Folder 27: Correspondence, 1985, 1991-1996

- Folder 28: Custer County Citizens For Fair Play, 1976-1977

- Folder 29: Disabilities, 1990-1994

- Folder 30: Environment, 1990-1993

- Folder 31: Environment, 1988

- Folder 32: Grants, 1991-1997

- Folder 33: Guardian Angels Brochure, no date

- Folder 34: Handwritten notes, no date

- Box 8

- Folder 1: Jazz festival (Westcliffe, CO), 1988-1991

- Folder 2: Private journals, no date

- Folder 3: Justice and Peace Reports, 1982-1984

- Folder 4: Legal proceedings, 1988, 1990-1993

- Folder 5: Francisco "Kiko" Martinez, 1986

- Folder 6: Migrant labor, 1985

- Folder 7: Move/Ramona Africa, 1994

- Folder 8: Movie reviews by Mitchell Kaufman, 1982

- Folder 9: Movie reviews by Mitchell Kaufman, 1982-1984

- Folder 10: Movie review by Mitchell Kaufman (Pueblo Chieftain), 1982

- Folder 11: Personal, no date

- Folder 12: Phone numbers RESTRICTED

- Folder 13: Phone numbers RESTRICTED

- Folder 14: Photos, no date

- Folder 15: Poems

- Folder 16: Poems to rework, 1976-1977

- Folder 17: Pueblo Coalition Against Prison Repression (PCAPR): original print media coverage, no date

- Folder 18: Rocky Mountain Peace Center, 1994

- Folder 19: Sangre De Cristo Nordic Council, 1990

- Folder 20: Short wave radio, 1985

- Folder 21: Universal Life Church, 1976

- Folder 22: We Care mural project, 1989-1993

- Folder 23: Handwritten documents, no date

- Folder 24: Miscellaneous, 1990-1993

- Folder 25: Unknown, 1990-1993

- Folder 26: Handwritten documents, no date

- Folder 27: Handwritten documents, no date

- Series 3: Publications

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Newspaper Clippings: Rocky Mountain News, 1982-1986

- Folder 2: Newspaper Clippings: The Denver Post, 1982-1987

- Folder 3: Newspaper Clippings: The New York Times, 1982-1986, 1988

- Folder 4: Newspaper Clippings: The Chicago Sun/Tribune, 1982

- Folder 5: Newspaper Clippings: The Pueblo Chieftain, 1985

- Folder 6: Newspaper Clippings: The Washington Post, 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Newspaper Clippings: The United Methodist Reporter, 1983

- Folder 8: Newspaper Clippings: The Christian Science Monitor, 1982, 1984, 1989

- Folder 9: Newspaper Clippings: The National Catholic Reporter, 1982-1983

- Folder 10: Newspaper Clippings: The Christian Century, 1982-1983

- Folder 11: Newspaper Clippings: Christian/Religious Publications, no date

- Folder 12: Newspaper Clippings: National Publications, no date

- Folder 13: Magazine Clippings: The Progressive, 1983-1985

- Folder 14: Magazine Clippings: Newsweek, 1983-1985

- Folder 15: Magazine Clippings: Time, 1983

- Folder 16: Magazine Clippings: The Nation, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1989

- Folder 17: Magazine Clippings: The Guardian, 1985

- Folder 18: Other Publications: The Nation, 1982-1985, 1988-1989

- Folder 19: Other Publications: NACLA, 1982-1984

- Folder 20: Other Publications: The Progressive, 1982, 1984

- Folder 21: Other Publications: The New York Review, 1982-1983

- Folder 22: Other Publications: Alert, 1982, 1989

- Folder 23: Other Publications: Resource Center Bulletin, 1987-1991

- Folder 24: Other Publications: Barricada International, 1982, 1984

- Folder 25: Other Publications: The Central American Report, 1990

- Folder 26: Other Publications: The Chicago Religious Task Force, 1982, 1983, 1989

- Folder 27: Other Publications: The Mustard Seed, 1989

- Folder 28: Other Publications: Nicaragua, no date

- Folder 29: Other Publications: Political Policy Debates, no date

- Folder 30: Other Publications: Theology Debates, no date

- Folder 31: Other Publications: Active for Justice, 1984

- Folder 32: Other Publications: New Republic, 1983

- Folder 33: Other Publications: Sanctuary, 1982-1985

- Folder 34: Other Publications: Flyers and mailings, no date

- Folder 35: Other Publications: The Guardian, 1985

- Folder 36: Other Publications: The Christian Science Monitor, 1989

- Folder 37: Other Publications: The Denver Post Special Interest, 1985

- Folder 38: Other Publications: Gramma, 1984

- Folder 39: Other Publications: In These Times, 1985

- Folder 40: Other Publications: Sante fe Reporter, 1985

- Folder 41: Other Publications: Montelibre Monthly, 1992

- Folder 42: Magazine Clippings: Miscellaneous Publications, no date

- Folder 43: The Liberation Process of the People, no date

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Writings: Bell Durland, no date

- Folder 2: Writings: Church World Service, 1983-1984

- Folder 3: Writings: ACLU Asylum project, no date

- Folder 4: Writings: Review Articles Manuscript, 1982

- Folder 5: Writings: The Denver Post Magazine, 1983

- Folder 6: Writings: Mid 1950's, no date

- Folder 7: Writings: Resource Center, 1986

- Folder 8: Writings: "Whence the origins of Spiritual/ Political Struggle", no date

- Folder 9: Writings: A Gift, 1988

- Folder 10: Writings: El Salvador, 1983

- Folder 11: Writings: Harpers, 1983

- Folder 12: Writings: Mother Jones, 1983

- Folder 13: Writings: Publishing Information, 1975-1985

- Folder 14: Writings: Pueblo Star/Chieftan style book, 1971

- Folder 15: Writings: ACLU, 1983

- Folder 16: Writings: Poetry, 1970-1981

- Folder 17: Writings: Puebloans for Justice and Peace in Central America, no date

- Folder 18: Writings: Collective Seeds of Peace, no date

- Folder 19: Writings: Witness for Peace, no date

- Folder 20: Writings: S.C.O.R.E. magazine, no date

- Folder 21: Writings: SPLC Report, no date

- Folder 22: Writings: Peace by Peace, no date

- Folder 23: Writings: Native hearts council, no date

- Folder 24: Writings: Visiones de Aztlan, no date

- Folder 25: Writings: Aztlan Journal, no date

- Folder 26: Writings: The Aztec Report, no date

- Folder 27: Writings: Ya Basta!, no date

- Folder 28: Writings: BASTA!, no date

- Folder 29: Writings: Active for Justice, no date

- Folder 30: Writings: Hispania, no date

- Folder 31: Writings: African American Voice, no date

- Folder 32: Writings: Montelibre Monthly part 1 of 2, no date

- Folder 33: Writings: Montelibre Monthly part 2 of 2, no date

- Series 4: Oversize documents

- Sub-Series 1: Newspapers

- Box 9

- Folder 1: Sunday Denver Post, May 2, 1993

- Folder 2: The Pueblo Chieftain, May 6, 1993

- Folder 3: Sunday Denver Post, May 2, 1993

- Folder 4: The Pueblo Chieftain, May 6, 1993

- Folder 5: Anarchist Revolutionary Calendar, 1971

- Sub-Series 2: Posters

- Box 9

- Folder 6: Jazz in the Sangres poster, 1990

- Folder 7: Jazz in the Sangres poster, 1990

- Folder 8: Jazz in the Sangres poster, 1991

- Folder 9: Jazz in the Sangres poster, 1991

- Folder 10: Roots and Branches of Denver, Colorado poster, 1988

- Folder 11: Jazz in the Sangres poster, 1991

- Folder 12: "High Water" in the Mississippi poster, 1948

- Folder 13: Delegation of Sioux Chiefs poster, 1988

- Folder 14: Every Gun poster, no date

- Folder 15: Score Keeper poster, no date

- Folder 16: Clippings, no date

- Folder 17: Mexican flag, no date

- Folder 18: Sketch pad, no date

- Folder 19: The Power of Blending Spirit poster, 1994

- Series 5: Audiovisual materials

- This series consists of 25 VHS videocassettes, either collected or produced by Mitchell Kaufman in support of civil rights activities. Original videotapes produced by Kaufman include interviews and commentary relating to the federal Supermax prison in Florence, CO; interviews with Ramona Africa, MOVE member and former political prison, Adjoa A. Aiyetoro, Rita Martinez, and Wayne Ewing; and one videotape documenting "Jazz in the Sangres" (Westcliffe, CO). The series also includes clips from the news show "20/20" relating to conditions at the federal prison in Marion, IL, as well as videotapes produced by the Southern Poverty Law Center's Klanwatch Project, and Earth First! on the deforestation of the redwood forests.
- Box 10

- Folder 1: Pueblo Coalition Against Prison Reform Press Releases and Mission Statement, no date

- Folder 2: “The Colorado Lawyer,” March 1993, vol. 22, no. 3, no date

- Folder 3: “20/20 Marion Segment”, March 18, 1988

- This television news program (20/20 - ABC News) segment contains interviews with prisoners and authorities at the United States Prison at Marion, IL. Duration: 00:16:54
- Folder 4: “Shut Down the Control Units” - A video production by the Committee to End the Marion Lockdown calling for federal prison reform. Duration: 00:31:08 (copy one), ca. 1983

- Folder 5: “Shut Down the Control Units” - A video production by the Committee to End the Marion Lockdown calling for federal prison reform. Duration: 00:31:08 (Master), ca. 1983

- Folder 6: “The Southern Poverty Law Center Klanwatch Project” - A history of the organization and a statement of purpose by the Southern Poverty Law Center Klanwatch Project. Duration: 00:22:00, no date

- Folder 7: “III Cotter Mill, CSP Cemetery, Tina [Rita Martinez], Wayne Ewing.” Interviews by Mitchell Kaufman. Duration: 01:16:30, ca. 1992

- Folder 8: “End to Time 41:37 Tape 3 Dub Edit Master Re-Edit (w/ Earth First Peltier Exit) Dub II” Duration: 00:41:37, no date

- Folder 9: Title: “An End to Time – Wall Street ‘Film Clip-Reel-’”, no date

- Folder 10: “Ad Max – Dub Master”, no date

- Folder 11: “1st Tour Ad Max Dub 2 Tape 1 A) Maggie Smith B) NY State Corrections C) Lenox Hinds D) Ramona Africa (1st Part)” Interviews by Mitchell Kaufman,, no date

- Folder 12: “Redwood Summer – Peltier” - Environmentalists decry the deforestation of the great redwood forests of the Pacific Northwest., no date

- Folder 13: “Aug. 9th 1986 Jazz in the Sangres – Shut Down the Control Units CEML – At 5:07:49” Westcliffe, CO music festival footage ”, 1986, Aug. 9th 1986

- Folder 14: [untitled], no date

- Folder 15: “Southern Poverty Law Center Klanwatch Report” (copy), no date

- Folder 16: “20/20 Marion Segment” - This television news program (20/20 - ABC News) segment contains interviews with prisoners and authorities at the United States Prison at Marion, IL. Duration: 00:16:54 (copy of Videotape #1), March 18, 1988

- Folder 17: “DJS Co Spr[?] Sat Feb 20th”, no date

- Folder 18: “Ad Max 2 Master Camera Sept 26 Co Springs Conference (Shot)”, no date

- Folder 19: “How to interview with phs Sept 18 – PCAP Pueblo Meeting Master Original (Shot)”, 2001

- Folder 20: “FCC, Canon City Prison, Cotter Mill, Ricardo Romero”, no date

- Folder 21: “Ad Max Dub 2, Tape 1//a, Maggie /b NY State Corrections Comm. (Rich Koehler-?) c. Lennox Hinds/d. Ramona Africa (1st part)”, no date

- Folder 22: “Ramona [Africa]” Interview conducted by Mitchell Kaufman with former political prisoner and MOVE member Ramona Africa., no date

- Folder 23: “Florence, FCC 1” - Footage and narrative by Mitchell Kaufman., no date

- Folder 24: “An End to Time Dub edit master intact w/o opening tuck shot w/long shot Seal/ Peltier s/Peltier end shot”, no date

- Folder 25: “Ad Max Dub 1, Tape 2/a Ramona Africa b) Adjoa A. Aiyetoro c) Jane Henderson etc.”, no date

- Folder 26: “Ricardo Romero – Interview”, no date

- Folder 27: “End to Time Tape 1 Dub-edit with longshot + Peltier end picture static copy master master” - The Pueblo Coalition Against Prison Repression vigil at the Florence Federal Prison Complex, including speeches by Mitchell Kaufman outside of USP Florence., no date

- Series 6: Additions

- Box 11

- Folder 1: Civil Rights Groups: American Indian Movement, 1991, 1992, 1993

- Folder 2: WMV Arts Council, 1990

- Folder 3: WMV Arts Council, 1988, 1989

- Folder 4: WMV Arts Council, 1988, 1991

- Folder 5: WMV Arts Council; F/C Historical Society, 1990

- Folder 6: Buttons and Flag, unknown

- Item 1: Videorecording, "Pueblo hearing" (VHS), no date

- Item 2: Videorecording, "This is not a sacred pipe" (VHS), no date

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Personal papers, no date],
Series 2: Subject files, 1975-1997, no date],
Series 3: Publications],
Series 4: Oversize documents],
Series 5: Audiovisual materials],
Series 6: Additions],