By Richard Garner
Title: Orman Family Papers, 1818-1985
Creator: Catherine Orman Castille, Ferderick Bradley Orman,III, Mary Nell Orman Barringer
Extent: 49.0 Boxes
The records are arranged into five series, as follows:
Series 1: Scrapbooks
Series 2: Diaries
Series 3: Publications
Series 4: Artifacts
Series 5: Delicate and Damaged
Series 6: Reference Materials
Languages: English [eng]
Access Restrictions: There are no access restrictions on this collection. Note: The "Orman Master Scrapbook Log_4-30-22.xls" is an electronic file (Excel) that is a cross-reference tool for accessing the descriptons of items located within the 98 scrapbooks of the Orman Family Papers. Please see the University Archivist to request access to this cross-reference tool.
Use Restrictions: Not all of the material in the collection is in the public domain. Researchers are responsible for addressing copyright issues.
Related Materials: Orman Collection of Native American Artifacts, 600-1930 For more information please see
Item 1: "Mesa Verde National Park Colorado." U.S. Departmetment of the Interior. National Park Service. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington D.C. 1939.
Item 2: "Circular of General Information Regarding Mesa Verde National Park Colorado." U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Government Printing office 1929.
Item 3: "Excavation and Repair of Sun Temple Mesa Verde National Park." U.S. Department of the Interior Office of the Secretary. Supermtendent of Documents, Government Printing Office. Washington D.C. 1916.
Item 4: " Mesa Verde National Park Colorado." U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington D.C. 1938.
Item 5: "The Prehistoric Cliff Dwellings Mesa Verde National Park Southwestern Colorado: Most Remarkable Ruins of Ancient Habitations in the United States." 1915 (2 Copies)
Item 6: "Mesa Verde National Park." U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington D.C. 1937.
Item 7: "The Mesa Verde National Park." Press of Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. No date
Item 8: Donald N. Brown. "Masks, Mantas, and Moceasins Dunce Costumes of the Pueblo Indians." The Taylor Museum of the Colorado Spring Fine Arts Center. 1962.
Item 9: "The Mesa Verde National Park." U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington D.C. 1916.
Item 1: "Glimpses of our National Parks." U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington D.C. 1941.
Item 2: "A Walk Through Time A Self Guided Nature Trail: Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument." No Date
Item 3: "San Isabel National Forest: Rocky Mountain Region." U.S. Department of Agriculture. No Date.
Item 4: "Your Booklet: About Our National Parks and National Monuments" U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Government Printing Office. 1960.(2 copies)
Item 5: "Glimpses of our National Monuments" U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington D.C. 1929.
Item 6: "In the Land of the Ancient Cliff Dweller." U.S. Department of Agriculture. Miscellaneous Circular No.5. Washington D.C. 1927.
Item 7: El Palacio Vol. XLI "The Chaco Canyon and Its Monuments" Nos. 24-25-26. 1936.
Item 1: Benjamin Draper. "Georgetown Pictorial: An Illustrated Story of a Colorado Mining Town." No Date.
Item 2: Caroline Bancroft. "Augusta Tabor: Her Side of the Scandal." Johnson Publishing Co. Boulder Colorado. 1958.
Item 3: Caroline Bancroft. "The Brown Palace in Denver: Hotel Plush, Power, and Presidents." 1955.
Item 4: Caroline Bancroft. "Glenwood's Early Glamor." Johnson Publishing Co. Boulder Colorado. 1956
Item 5: Caroline Bancroft. "The Unsinkable Mrs. Brown." 1956
Item 6: Caroline Bancroft. "Historic Central City Gold and now Glamor." 4th Printing. 1957.
Item 1: Pikes Peak Region: Colorado Springs-Manitou Spring Colorado
Item 2: Rocky Mountain National Park Colorado
Item 3: Hunting and Fishing Map Colorado: Bureau of Land Management
Item 4: Colorado Springs Pikes Peak Region Colorado
Item 5: Map of the City of Colorado Springs and Surroundings
Item 6: Great Sand Dunes: National Monument Colorado