Title: Shirley Otero Collection of Sangre de Cristo Land Grant Case Files
Collection was kept in original order as much as possible. Minimal processing was conducted on the collection.
Colorado Chicano activist Shirley Romero Otero collected multiple records relating to the Land Rights Council and the Sangre de Cristo Land Grant from 1977 to 2021. This land grant encompasses Costilla County, Colorado, a county that is part of the San Luis Valley and borders the state of New Mexico. The grant was made to Luis Lee and Narciso Beaubien in 1844 by the Republic of Mexico. Lee and Beaubien were killed in the "Taos Rebellion" on January 19, 1847. On May 4, 1848, Carlos Beaubien (father of Narciso) became legal owner of the The Sangre de Cristo Land Grant. He baught Lee's shares for $100. The records that Shirely collected focus on two legal cases regarding the Sangre de Cristo Land Grant, specifically cases Rael vs. Taylor and Lobato vs. Taylor. Shirley Otero collected Land Rights Council agendas, meeting minutes, reports, watershed assessments, newspapers, Chinook Grant Proposal documents, Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Land Rights Council, field notes, and legal records from Ballard Spahr, LLP regarding client access to the Cielo Vista Ranch.